WHO: 4th of July fun-seekers of all ages.
WHAT: Salute to America’s Heroes, a special tribute to those who dedicate themselves to protecting the citizenry including members of the armed forces (active duty and retired) and first responders such as fire, law enforcement and emergency medical professionals.
WHEN: Special Independence Day entertainment and free food (while supplies last) from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Sunday, July 4, 2021. (Gates will be open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.).
WHERE: Morgan’s Wonderland, 5223 David Edwards Drive at the intersection of Wurzbach Parkway and Thousand Oaks Drive, a half-mile west of IH 35 in Northeast San Antonio.
WHY: To say thanks to dedicated men and women who devote themselves day in and day out to public security and safety.
ETC.: Free hot dogs with all the trimmings and apple pie will be served while supplies last. Military personnel (active-duty and retired), first responders and members of their immediate families who present valid ID cards at the Morgan’s Wonderland Welcome Center can obtain special discounted admissions. Individuals with special needs and children age 2 and under are always admitted free of charge.
Special entertainment will include an all-access dance party from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the Starlight Amphitheater with music provided by DJ Happy; feats of magic performed by the Astonishing Mr. Pitts and his puppet sidekick Hartman as they roam the park; and opportunities to interact with Joy the butterfly, Morgan’s Wonderland costumed-character goodwill ambassador.
Award-winning Morgan’s Inspiration Island splash park also will offer fun in the sun from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Non-profit, Ultra-Accessible™, fully-inclusive Morgan’s Wonderland features more than 25 attractions including rides, playgrounds, gardens, a picnic area and rest areas. Tropically-themed Morgan’s Inspiration Island offers five major splash pads, the River Boat Adventure ride and revolutionary waterproof wheelchairs. For more information, visit www.MorgansWonderland.com.
The success of Morgan’s Wonderland led to the creation of the Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative, which coordinates fundraising, planning and communication among the entire Morgan’s Wonderland “family” that includes the world-renowned theme park, Morgan’s Inspiration Island, new Morgan’s Wonderland Sports complex and new Morgan’s Wonderland Camp. For more information, visit https://morgans.org/
Ultra-Accessible™ refers to removing both physical and economic barriers that confront children and adults with special needs. This means that those with and without special needs can come together in a fully-inclusive environment for fun and a better understanding of one another.