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News and Media

Morgan's in the News

Morgan’s Wonderland and Morgan’s Inspiration Island have been highlighted around the world for innovative design, creative events and driving change through the power of inclusive play. Check out some of our recent news coverage to see what we’re all about!

wheelchair accessible zip-line

New Morgan’s Wonderland Camp gets $20 million financial boost from Valero and Valero executives

Josh Baugh
Girl in wheelchair playing on a splash pad

Morgan’s Inspiration Island is First-Ever Water Park Designed for Disabled Kids

Claire Russell
Shakespeare in Wonderland at Morgan's Wonderland

Morgan’s Wonderland aims to make Shakespeare inclusive

Deborah Martin, San Antonio Express News
Morgan's Wonderland TIME World Greatest Places

Morgan’s Inspiration Island Makes Time Magazine’s List of World’s Greatest Places

Roseanna Garza, The Rivard Report

Interested in Covering Our Cause?

Both print and broadcast news media regularly cover the many newsworthy activities taking place at Morgan’s Wonderland. Please feel free to browse this page for more information including a fact sheet, mission information, high-res photos, logos and videos. If you require more information or if you’d like to arrange an interview with a Morgan’s Wonderland team member please contact us.
Morgan's Wonderland Awards and Recognirions

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