SAN ANTONIO, TX, June 23, 2021 – Morgan’s Wonderland Sports, a $4-million complex providing fitness and competition for athletes of all abilities, will celebrate grand opening with its inaugural Sports Expo on Saturday morning, June 26.
Members of the general public and especially those who would like to take advantage of all that Morgan’s Wonderland Sports has to offer are invited to attend the free Sports Expo at 5025 David Edwards Drive, just west of world-renowned Morgan’s Wonderland theme park in Northeast San Antonio.
Sports Expo activities will begin at 9 a.m. with greetings from philanthropist Gordon Hartman, who with wife Maggie created Morgan’s Wonderland and other Ultra-Accessible™, fully-inclusive venues with the special-needs community in mind. Their inspiration – 27-year-old daughter Morgan, who’s dealt with physical and cognitive special needs all her life – is scheduled to throw out the first pitch at the complex’s baseball/softball diamond following her father’s remarks.
Sports demonstrations and activities will be conducted as follows:
9:30-noon – Wheelchair softball tournament;
10-10:20 – Wheelchair pickleball and pickleball;
10:30-10:50 – Wheelchair tennis and tennis;
11-11:20 – Wheelchair football and football.
In addition, open play in all sports plus disc golf will be available from 9:30 a.m. until noon. After the Sports Expo, guests who would like to experience Morgan’s Wonderland and/or award-winning Morgan’s Inspiration Island splash park can take advantage of admission discounts during park operating hours that wrap up at 5 p.m.
Three-acre Morgan’s Wonderland Sports offers 30 court or field combinations including two baseball/softball fields, five tennis courts, 20 pickleball courts, a football field, a basketball court and a volleyball court, Hartman said. It also features an 8,000-square-foot covered pavilion and a separate stage to serve as a focal point for walks to raise funds for charitable organizations, performances and other special events. More than 2 acres of concrete playing surfaces were painted to minimize heat from the sun and striped in accordance with regulation dimensions for the various sports.
Support facilities include special LED lighting for athletes with visual impairments, Ultra-Accessible™ restrooms, bottle refill water fountains and sports fencing for tennis, pickleball and other sports to keep balls in play.
Morgan’s Wonderland Sports is also headquarters for STRAPS (South Texas Regional Adaptive and Para Sports), which offers athletes with physical disabilities and visual impairments the chance to take part in 13 different sports, and the complex houses the San Antonio office of Special Olympics Texas. It will play a role in the Special Olympics Texas 2021 Summer Games, Sept. 19-22, at Morgan’s Wonderland and nearby facilities.
Additional information about Morgan’s Wonderland Sports can be found at
“We had hoped to have our grand opening festivities many months ago,” Hartman said, “but the COVID-19 pandemic forced us to drastically alter our plans. Yet it’s not too late to celebrate. We believe Morgan’s Wonderland Sports will be the site of many memorable athletic contests and a place where athletes of all ages and abilities can have lots of fun and achieve their utmost potential.”
Morgan’s Wonderland Sports is an outgrowth of the success of non-profit Morgan’s Wonderland, the world’s first theme park designed with those with special needs in mind and built for everyone’s enjoyment. Other “family” members include Morgan’s Inspiration Island and new Morgan’s Wonderland Camp. These world-class recreational ventures comprise the Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative, which coordinates fundraising, planning and communication among all Morgan’s Wonderland-related initiatives. For more information, visit
Ultra-Accessible™ refers to removing both physical and economic barriers that confront children and adults with special needs. This means that those with and without special needs can come together in a fully-inclusive environment for fun and a better understanding of one another.