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Communities’ Greatest Caregivers Honored During Hearts of Gold Awards Dinner

SAN ANTONIO – The Gordon Hartman Family Foundation and Morgan’s Wonderland will come together for the Hearts of Gold Awards dinner on Saturday evening, Nov. 5, at the Morgan’s Wonderland Event Center, 5223 David Edwards Drive.

More than 200 guests are expected to attend the uplifting event to honor 20 Excellence in Caregiving recipients who support those who can’t fully care for themselves, and five innovators who will have their names permanently enshrined on the Wall of Fame in the heart of unique, Ultra-Accessible™, fully inclusive Morgan’s Wonderland theme park.

“Since 2005, the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation has dedicated its efforts to helping the disability and special-needs community,” said Gordon Hartman, Morgan’s dad, and founder of the Gordon Hartman Family Foundation. “Along the way, the Foundation and Morgan’s Wonderland have encountered countless caregivers who’ve gone above and beyond in assisting children and adults with disabilities and special needs. These unsung heroes — who quietly, diligently and unselfishly go about their caregiving — deserve special recognition.”

Event proceeds will benefit Morgan’s Inclusion Initiative, the nonprofit umbrella organization that coordinates fundraising, planning and communications for the family of entities including Morgan’s Wonderland theme park, Morgan’s Inspiration Island splash park, Morgan’s Wonderland Sports complex, Morgan’s Wonderland Camp, and the Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s Wonderland, or The MAC. To learn more, visit www.InclusionStartsHere.com.

Ultra Accessible badge

Ultra-Accessible™ refers to removing both physical and economic barriers that confront children and adults with special needs. This means that those with and without special needs can come together in a fully-inclusive environment for fun and a better understanding of one another.

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